Catherine rogers
What is your role at St Andrew’s Church and what is it you do?
Outreach Enabler. To reach out and share news of all the wonderful services,activities, groups for all ages, courses and opportunities to come together to learn, link, praise, pray, ponder and worship across our three churches.
What is the most satisfying part about your involvement at St. Andrew’s?
Meeting so many different people and being part of an amazing team. Finding new opportunities to connect in our community and seeing a flourishing vibrant ever changing energy and spirit moving us.
Best memory from your time here?
I have lots of happy memories, but the common theme is laughter, and a deep sense of belonging.
Is there a particular chapter or verse from the bible which resonates with you more than any other?
Ezekiel 37:14 I will put my Spirit in you and you shall live.
What is your biggest passion outside of Church life?
Cycling. I love cycling as part of a group or alone. An escape to enjoy nature through all the seasons with the wind in your hair and the challenge of climbing and free wheeling. As good for the mind as the body!
Have you got a hidden skill?
Favourite movie / TV series?
Gardeners World
Favourite book / author?
The Choice by Edith Eger or the The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and the Horse, by Charles Mackesy
Favourite music / musician?
Lark Ascending Vaughan Williams.
For people who have just moved to Shifnal, what’s the best way to get started in coming to Church?
I joined through what is now Little Fishes - when I had tiny children. Warm welcome, simple service and opportunity to meet and share friendship, parenting and introduction for tots - in relaxed environment. I learned about and grew my faith with the children! I knew as much as them at the beginning!
For people who have lived in Shifnal a long time who may have often thought about coming to St. Andrew’s, but either never got around to it or maybe feel a bit daunted in not knowing where to start, what is the best advice to these people?
Coming to church for the first time can be very daunting, lots of people who all seem to know each other and what to do when! But actually we don’t! We want to welcome you. You could watch an online service to get a sneak preview and familiarise yourself - or just come along. Don’t be afraid to let us know you are new and ask as many questions as you like - we won’t know all the answers! Bring a friend if you like, or drop an email or phone call and we can make sure you have someone to sit with if you would like that. No dress code or prior knowledge required!!
Whether you are new to Shifnal or been here for years, doesn’t matter - all are welcome - the invitation is not ours but from God, and the message simple: Love one another.