Paul Warrender


What is your role at St Andrew’s Church and what is it you do?

Lay Reader assist the Vicar in leading worship.

What is the most satisfying part about your involvement at St. Andrew’s?

Contact with a wide range of people, learning about them and encouraging and helping them in their ministry.

Best memory from your time here?

In 2005 we renewed our Wedding Vows at St Andrew’s on our Silver Wedding Anniversary. This celebration started me on my ministry.

Is there a particular chapter or verse from the bible which resonates with you more than any other?

Luke 1; 68 - 79.

What is your biggest passion outside of Church life?

My family.

Have you got a hidden skill?

I like to paint with oils.

Favourite movie / TV series?

Top Gun.

Favourite book / author?

The book that I enjoyed as a child (and I still have) is The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier. It was a book that brought the meaning and impact of the war on children.

Favourite music / musician?


For people who have just moved to Shifnal, what’s the best way to get started in coming to Church?

Find a service that appeals to you (via the website) and come along. Let the ‘welcomer’ on the door know that it is your first attendance, and they can introduce you to some people who could guide you to the service if needed.

For people who have lived in Shifnal a long time who may have often thought about coming to St. Andrew’s, but either never got around to it or maybe feel a bit daunted in not knowing where to start, what is the best advice to these people?

If you know someone who attends already, speak to them and ask if you can join them at one of the services. Otherwise speak to one of the ministers to get more information.